
Signer class for RDS tokens for RDS DB access.

See IAM database authentication for MariaDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL for more information on using IAM database authentication with RDS.

RDS services created will get a Signer method to create an instance. The Signer will inherit its configuration from the AWS instance (not from the RDS instance!).


Signer:getAuthToken (opts) Return an authorization token used as the password for a RDS DB connection.


Signer:getAuthToken (opts)
Return an authorization token used as the password for a RDS DB connection. The example shows how to use getAuthToken to create an authentication token for connecting to a PostgreSQL database in RDS.


  • opts configuration to use, to override the options inherited from the underlying AWS instance;
    • region string The AWS region
    • hostname string the DB hostname to connect to, eg. ""
    • port number the port for the DB connection
    • username string username of the account in the database to sign in with
    • credentials Credentials aws credentials


    token, err - Returns the token to use as the password for the DB connection, or nil and error if an error occurs


    local pgmoon = require "pgmoon"
    local AWS = require("")
    local AWS_global_config = require("").global
    local aws = AWS { region = AWS_global_config.region }
    local rds = aws:RDS()
    local db_hostname = ""
    local db_port = 5432
    local db_name = "DB_NAME"
    local signer = rds:Signer {  -- create a signer instance
      hostname = db_hostname,
      username = "db_user",
      port = db_port,
      region = nil,              -- will be inherited from aws
      credentials = nil,         -- will be inherited from aws
    -- use the 'signer' to generate the token, whilst overriding some options
    local auth_token, err = signer:getAuthToken {
      username = "another_user"  -- this overrides the earlier provided config above
    if err then
      ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Failed to build auth token: ", err)
    local pg ={
      host = db_hostname,
      port = db_port,
      database = db_name,
      user = "another_user",
      password = auth_token,
      ssl = true,
    local flag, err = pg:connect()
    if err then
     ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Failed to connect to database: ", err)
    -- Test query
    assert(pg:query("select * from users where status = 'active' limit 20"))
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-09-23 09:29:37