Class AWS

AWS class.


aws:new (config) Creates a new AWS instance.


aws:new (config)
Creates a new AWS instance. By default the instance will get a CredentialProviderChain set of credentials, which can be overridden.

Note that the AWS objects as well as the Service objects are expensive to create, so you might want to reuse them.


  • config (optional) the config table to be copied into the instance as the global aws_instance.config


  • -- in the "init" phase initialize the configuration
    local _ = require("").global
  • -- In your code
    local AWS = require("")
    local AWS_global_config = require("").global
    local config = { region = AWS_global_config.region }
    local aws = AWS(config)
    -- Override default "CredentialProviderChain" credentials.
    -- This is optional, the defaults should work with AWS-IAM.
    local my_creds = aws:Credentials {
      accessKeyId = "access",
      secretAccessKey = "secret",
      sessionToken = "token",
    aws.config.credentials = my_creds
    -- instantiate a service (optionally overriding the aws-instance config)
    local sm = aws:SecretsManager {
      region = "us-east-2",
    -- Invoke a method.
    -- Note this only takes the parameter table, and NOT a callback as the
    -- JS sdk requires. Instead this call will directly return the results.
    local results, err = sm:getSecretValue {
      SecretId = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-2:238406704566:secret:test-HN1F1k",
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-09-23 09:29:37