Class ChainableTemporaryCredentials

ChainableTemporaryCredentials class.


aws:ChainableTemporaryCredentials (opt) Constructor, inherits from Credentials.


aws:ChainableTemporaryCredentials (opt)
Constructor, inherits from Credentials.


  • opt options table, additional fields to the Credentials class:
    • params params table for the assumeRole function, or array of those tables in case of a chain of roles to assume.
    • aws AWS instance, required when creating a chain.
    • masterCredentials Credentials instance to use when assuming the role. Defaults to sts.config.credentials or aws.config.credentials in that order.
    • sts the STS service instance to use for fetching the credentials. Defaults to a new instance created as aws:STS().


    -- creating a chain of assumed roles
    local aws = AWS()      -- provides the masterCredentials
    local role1 = { ... }  -- parameters to assume role1, from the masterCredentials
    local role2 = { ... }  -- parameters to assume role2, from the role1 credentials
    local role3 = { ... }  -- parameters to assume role3, from the role2 credentials
    local creds = aws:ChainableTemporaryCredentials {
        params = { role1, role2, role3 },
    -- Get credentials for role3
    local success, id, key, token, expiretime = creds:get()
    if not success then
      return nil, id
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-09-23 09:29:37