Source code for kong.vault

# Original source path: kong/pdk/vault.lua

from typing import TypeVar, Any, Union, List, Mapping, Tuple, Optional

number = TypeVar('number', int, float)
table = TypeVar('table', List[Any], Mapping[str, Any])
cdata = Any
err = str

[docs]class vault():
[docs] @staticmethod def flush() -> None: """ Flushes vault config and the references LRU cache. Example: kong.vault.flush() """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get(reference: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Resolves the passed in reference and returns the value of it. Example: value, err = kong.vault.get("{vault://env/cert/key}") :parameter reference: reference to resolve :type reference: str :return: resolved value of the reference :rtype: str :return: error message on failure, otherwise `nil` :rtype: str """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def is_reference(reference: str) -> bool: """ Checks if the passed in reference looks like a reference. Valid references start with '{vault://' and end with '}'. If you need more thorough validation, use `kong.vault.parse_reference`. Example: kong.vault.is_reference("{vault://env/key}") # true kong.vault.is_reference("not a reference") # false :parameter reference: reference to check :type reference: str :return: `true` is the passed in reference looks like a reference, otherwise `false` :rtype: bool """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_reference(reference: str) -> Tuple[table, str]: """ Parses and decodes the passed in reference and returns a table containing its components. Given a following resource: ```lua "{vault://env/cert/key?prefix=SSL_#1}" ``` This function will return following table: ```lua { name = "env", -- name of the Vault entity or Vault strategy resource = "cert", -- resource where secret is stored key = "key", -- key to lookup if the resource is secret object config = { -- if there are any config options specified prefix = "SSL_" }, version = 1 -- if the version is specified } ``` Example: ref, err = kong.vault.parse_reference("{vault://env/cert/key?prefix=SSL_#1}") # table :parameter reference: reference to parse :type reference: str :return: a table containing each component of the reference, or `nil` on error :rtype: table :return: error message on failure, otherwise `nil` :rtype: str """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def update(options: table) -> table: """ Helper function for secret rotation based on TTLs. Currently experimental. Example: options = kong.vault.update({ cert = "# # -BEGIN CERTIFICATE# # -...", key = "# # -BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY# # -...", cert_alt = "# # -BEGIN CERTIFICATE# # -...", key_alt = "# # -BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY# # -...", ["$refs"] = { cert = "{vault://aws/cert}", key = "{vault://aws/key}", cert_alt = "{vault://aws/cert-alt}", key_alt = "{vault://aws/key-alt}", } }) # or options = { cert = "# # -BEGIN CERTIFICATE# # -...", key = "# # -BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY# # -...", cert_alt = "# # -BEGIN CERTIFICATE# # -...", key_alt = "# # -BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY# # -...", ["$refs"] = { cert = "{vault://aws/cert}", key = "{vault://aws/key}", cert_alt = "{vault://aws/cert-alt}", key_alt = "{vault://aws/key-alt}", } } kong.vault.update(options) :parameter options: options containing secrets and references (this function modifies the input options) :type options: table :return: options with updated secret values :rtype: table """ pass