Source code for kong.service.response

# Original source path: kong/pdk/service/response.lua

from typing import TypeVar, Any, Union, List, Mapping, Tuple, Optional

number = TypeVar('number', int, float)
table = TypeVar('table', List[Any], Mapping[str, Any])
cdata = Any
err = str

[docs]class response():
[docs] @staticmethod def get_body(mimetype: Optional[str], max_args: Optional[number]) -> str: """ Returns the decoded buffered body. Phases: header_filter, body_filter, log Example: # Plugin needs to call kong.service.request.enable_buffering() on `rewrite` # or `access` phase prior calling this function. body = kong.service.response.get_body() :parameter mimetype: The MIME type of the response (if known). :type mimetype: str :parameter max_args: Sets a limit on the maximum number of (what?) that can be parsed. :type max_args: number :return: The decoded buffered body :rtype: str """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_header(name: str) -> str: """ Returns the value of the specified response header. Unlike `kong.response.get_header()`, this function only returns a header if it is present in the response from the Service (ignoring headers added by Kong itself). Phases: header_filter, body_filter, log Example: # Given a response with the following headers: # X-Custom-Header: bla # X-Another: foo bar # X-Another: baz kong.log.inspect(kong.service.response.get_header("x-custom-header")) # "bla" kong.log.inspect(kong.service.response.get_header("X-Another")) # "foo bar" :parameter name: The name of the header. Header names in are case-insensitive and are normalized to lowercase, and dashes (`-`) can be written as underscores (`_`); that is, the header `X-Custom-Header` can also be retrieved as `x_custom_header`. :type name: str :return: The value of the header, or `nil` if a header with `name` is not found in the response. If a header with the same name is present multiple times in the response, this function returns the value of the first occurrence of this header. :rtype: str """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_headers(max_headers: Optional[number]) -> Tuple[table, str]: """ Returns a Lua table holding the headers from the Service response. Keys are header names. Values are either a string with the header value, or an array of strings if a header was sent multiple times. Header names in this table are case-insensitive and dashes (`-`) can be written as underscores (`_`); that is, the header `X-Custom-Header` can also be retrieved as `x_custom_header`. Unlike `kong.response.get_headers()`, this function only returns headers that are present in the response from the Service (ignoring headers added by Kong itself). If the request is not proxied to a Service (e.g. an authentication plugin rejected a request and produced an HTTP 401 response), then the returned `headers` value might be `nil`, since no response from the Service has been received. By default, this function returns up to **100** headers. The optional `max_headers` argument can be specified to customize this limit, but must be greater than **1** and not greater than **1000**. Phases: header_filter, body_filter, log Example: # Given a response with the following headers: # X-Custom-Header: bla # X-Another: foo bar # X-Another: baz headers = kong.service.response.get_headers() if headers: kong.log.inspect(headers.x_custom_header) # "bla" kong.log.inspect(headers.x_another[1]) # "foo bar" kong.log.inspect(headers["X-Another"][2]) # "baz" :parameter max_headers: Sets a limit on the maximum number of headers that can be parsed. :type max_headers: number :return: The response headers in table form. :rtype: table :return: If more headers than `max_headers` are present, returns a string with the error `"truncated"`. :rtype: str """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_raw_body() -> bytes: """ Returns the raw buffered body. Phases: header_filter, body_filter, log Example: # Plugin needs to call kong.service.request.enable_buffering() on `rewrite` # or `access` phase prior calling this function. body = kong.service.response.get_raw_body() :return: The raw buffered body. :rtype: bytes """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_status() -> number: """ Returns the HTTP status code of the response from the Service as a Lua number. Phases: header_filter, body_filter, log Example: kong.log.inspect(kong.service.response.get_status()) # 418 :return: The status code from the response from the Service, or `nil` if the request was not proxied (that is, if `kong.response.get_source()` returned anything other than `"service"`). :rtype: number """ pass