Source code for kong.nginx

# Original source path: kong/pdk/nginx.lua

from typing import TypeVar, Any, Union, List, Mapping, Tuple, Optional

number = TypeVar('number', int, float)
table = TypeVar('table', List[Any], Mapping[str, Any])
cdata = Any
err = str

from .shared import shared as cls_shared

[docs]class nginx(): shared = cls_shared
[docs] @staticmethod def get_ctx(k: str) -> Any: """ get a key-value pair from Kong's per-request context :parameter k: key for the ctx data :type k: str :return: the per-request context data in ngx.ctx :rtype: Any """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_statistics() -> table: """ Returns various connection and request metrics exposed by Nginx, similar to those reported by the [ngx_http_stub_status_module]( The following fields are included in the returned table: * `connections_active` - the current number of active client connections including `connections_waiting`. * `connections_reading` - the current number of connections where nginx is reading the request header. * `connections_writing` - the current number of connections where nginx is writing the response back to the client. * `connections_waiting` - the current number of idle client connections waiting for a request. * `connections_accepted` - the total number of accepted client connections. * `connections_handled` - the total number of handled connections. Same as `connections_accepted` unless some resource limits have been reached (for example, the [`worker_connections`]( limit). * `total_requests` - the total number of client requests. Example: nginx_statistics = kong.nginx.get_statistics() :return: Nginx connections and requests statistics :rtype: table """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_subsystem() -> str: """ :return: the subsystem name :rtype: str """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_tls1_version_str() -> str: """ :return: the TLSv1 version string :rtype: str """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_var() -> str: """ :return: get NGINX variable value :rtype: str """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def req_start_time() -> number: """ get the current request's start timestamp :return: req_start_time :rtype: number """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def set_ctx(k: str, any: str) -> None: """ set a key-value pair in Kong's per-request context :parameter k: key for the ctx data :type k: str :parameter any: value for the ctx data :type any: str """ pass