# Original source path: kong/pdk/enterprise_edition/jwe.lua
from typing import TypeVar, Any, Union, List, Mapping, Tuple, Optional
number = TypeVar('number', int, float)
table = TypeVar('table', List[Any], Mapping[str, Any])
array = table
cdata = Any
err = str
class jwe():
def decode(token: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
This function will return a table that looks like this:
[1] = protected header (as it appears in token)
[2] = encrypted key (as it appears in token)
[3] = initialization vector (as it appears in token)
[4] = ciphertext (as it appears in token)
[5] = authentication tag (as it appears in token)
protected = protected key (base64url decoded and json decoded)
encrypted_key = encrypted key (base64url decoded)
iv = initialization vector (base64url decoded)
ciphertext = ciphertext (base64url decoded)
tag = authentication tag (base64url decoded)
aad = protected header (as it appears in token)
The original input can be reconstructed with:
local token = table.concat(<decoded-table>, ".")
If there is not exactly 5 parts in JWT token, or any decoding fails,
the error is returned.
local jwe = require "kong.enterprise_edition.jwe"
local jwt, err = jwe.decode(
"eyJhbGciOiJFQ0RILUVTIiwiZW5jIjoiQTI1NkdDTSIsImFwdSI6Ik1lUFhUS2oyWFR1NUktYldUSFI2bXci" ..
"LCJhcHYiOiJmUHFoa2hfNkdjVFd1SG5YWFZBclVnIiwiZXBrIjp7Imt0eSI6IkVDIiwiY3J2IjoiUC0yNTYi" ..
"VEhELVozam1vYUp2THZwTGJqcVNaSW9KNmd4X2YtUzAtZ21RIn19..4ZrIopIhLi3LeXyE.-Ke4ofA.MI5lT" ..
if jwt then
print(jwt.protected.alg) -- outputs "ECDH-ES"
:parameter token: JWE encrypted JWT token
:type token: str
:return: A table containing JWT token parts decoded, or nil
:rtype: str
:return: Error message, or nil
:rtype: str
def decrypt(key: Any, token: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
Supported keys (`key` argument):
* Supported key formats:
* `JWK` (given as a `string` or `table`)
* `PEM` (given as a `string`)
* `DER` (given as a `string`)
* Supported key types:
* `RSA`
* `EC`, supported curves:
* `P-256`
* `P-384`
* `P-521`
local jwe = require "kong.enterprise_edition.jwe"
local jwk = {
kty = "EC",
crv = "P-256",
use = "enc",
x = "MKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8AiTo7Tu6KPAqv7D4",
y = "4Etl6SRW2YiLUrN5vfvVHuhp7x8PxltmWWlbbM4IFyM",
d = "870MB6gfuTJ4HtUnUvYMyJpr5eUZNP4Bk43bVdj3eAE",
local plaintext, err = jwe.decrypt(jwk,
"eyJhbGciOiJFQ0RILUVTIiwiZW5jIjoiQTI1NkdDTSIsImFwdSI6Ik1lUFhUS2oyWFR1NUktYldUSFI2bXci" ..
"LCJhcHYiOiJmUHFoa2hfNkdjVFd1SG5YWFZBclVnIiwiZXBrIjp7Imt0eSI6IkVDIiwiY3J2IjoiUC0yNTYi" ..
"VEhELVozam1vYUp2THZwTGJqcVNaSW9KNmd4X2YtUzAtZ21RIn19..4ZrIopIhLi3LeXyE.-Ke4ofA.MI5lT" ..
if plaintext then
print(plaintext) -- outputs "hello"
:parameter key: Private key
:type key: Any
:parameter token: JWE encrypted JWT token
:type token: str
:return: JWT token payload in plaintext, or nil
:rtype: str
:return: Error message, or nil
:rtype: str
def encrypt(alg: str, enc: str, key: Any, plaintext: str, options: Optional[table]) -> Tuple[str, str]:
Supported algorithms (`alg` argument):
* `"RSA-OAEP"`
* `"ECDH-ES"`
Supported encryption algorithms (`enc` argument):
* `"A256GCM"`
Supported keys (`key` argument):
* Supported key formats:
* `JWK` (given as a `string` or `table`)
* `PEM` (given as a `string`)
* `DER` (given as a `string`)
* Supported key types:
* `RSA`
* `EC`, supported curves:
* `P-256`
* `P-384`
* `P-521`
Supported options (`options` argument):
* `{ zip = "DEF" }`: whether to deflate the plaintext before encrypting
* `{ apu = <string|boolean> }`: Agreement PartyUInfo header parameter
* `{ apv = <string|boolean> }`: Agreement PartyVInfo header parameter
The `apu` and `apv` can also be set to `false` to prevent them from
being auto-generated (sixteen random bytes) and added to ephemeral
public key.
local jwe = require "kong.enterprise_edition.jwe"
local jwk = {
kty = "EC",
crv = "P-256",
use = "enc",
x = "MKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8AiTo7Tu6KPAqv7D4",
y = "4Etl6SRW2YiLUrN5vfvVHuhp7x8PxltmWWlbbM4IFyM",
local token, err = jwe.encrypt("ECDH-ES", "A256GCM", jwk, "hello", {
zip = "DEF,
if token then
:parameter alg: Algorithm used for key management
:type alg: str
:parameter enc: Encryption algorithm used for content encryption
:type enc: str
:parameter key: Public key
:type key: Any
:parameter plaintext: Plaintext
:type plaintext: str
:parameter options: Options (optional), default: nil
:type options: table
:return: JWE encrypted JWT token, or nil
:rtype: str
:return: Error message, or nil
:rtype: str