Source code for kong.client.tls

# Original source path: kong/pdk/client/tls.lua

from typing import TypeVar, Any, Union, List, Mapping, Tuple, Optional

number = TypeVar('number', int, float)
table = TypeVar('table', List[Any], Mapping[str, Any])
cdata = Any
err = str

[docs]class tls():
[docs] @staticmethod def disable_session_reuse() -> Tuple[bool, err]: """ Prevents the TLS session for the current connection from being reused by disabling the session ticket and session ID for the current TLS connection. Phases: certificate Example: res, err = kong.client.tls.disable_session_reuse() if not res: # do something with err :return: Returns `true` if successful, `nil` if it fails. :rtype: bool :return: Returns `nil` if successful, or an error message if it fails. :rtype: err """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_full_client_certificate_chain() -> Tuple[str, err]: """ Returns the PEM encoded downstream client certificate chain with the client certificate at the top and intermediate certificates (if any) at the bottom. Phases: rewrite, access, balancer, header_filter, body_filter, log Example: cert, err = kong.client.get_full_client_certificate_chain() if err: # do something with errif not cert: # client did not complete mTLS# do something with cert :return: Returns a PEM-encoded client certificate if the mTLS handshake was completed, or `nil` if an error occurred or the client did not present its certificate. :rtype: str :return: Returns `nil` if successful, or an error message if it fails. :rtype: err """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def request_client_certificate(ca_certs: Optional[cdata]) -> Tuple[bool, err]: """ Requests the client to present its client-side certificate to initiate mutual TLS authentication between server and client. This function *requests*, but does not *require* the client to start the mTLS process. The TLS handshake can still complete even if the client doesn't present a client certificate. However, in that case, it becomes a TLS connection instead of an mTLS connection, as there is no mutual authentication. To find out whether the client honored the request, use `get_full_client_certificate_chain` in later phases. The `ca_certs` argument is the optional CA certificate chain opaque pointer, which can be created by the [parse_pem_cert]( or [resty.opensslx509.chain]( The Distinguished Name (DN) list hints of the CA certificates will be sent to clients. If omitted, will not send any DN list to clients. Phases: certificate Example: x509_lib = require "resty.openssl.x509" chain_lib = require "resty.openssl.x509.chain" res, err chain = # err check x509, err =, "PEM") # err check res, err = chain:add(x509) # err check # `chain.ctx` is the raw data of the chain, i.e. `STACK_OF(X509) *` res, err = kong.client.tls.request_client_certificate(chain.ctx) if not res: # do something with err :parameter ca_certs: The CA certificate chain opaque pointer :type ca_certs: cdata :return: Returns `true` if successful, or `nil` if it fails. :rtype: bool :return: Returns `nil` if successful, or an error message if it fails. :rtype: err """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def set_client_verify() -> None: """ Overrides the client's verification result generated by the log serializer. By default, the `request.tls.client_verify` field inside the log generated by Kong's log serializer is the same as the [$ssl_client_verify]( Nginx variable. Only `"SUCCESS"`, `"NONE"`, or `"FAILED:<reason>"` are accepted values. This function does not return anything on success, and throws a Lua error in case of a failure. Phases: rewrite, access, balancer Example: kong.client.tls.set_client_verify("FAILED:unknown CA") """ pass